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Service Manual for 1976-77 IH International Harvester Scout II, Terra, Traveler Code: BB-CTS-2310

Service Manual for 1976-77 IH International Harvester Scout II, Terra, Traveler
Purchase Service Manual for 1976-77 IH International Harvester Scout II, Terra, Traveler
  • SKU: BB-CTS-2310 Service Manual for 1976-77 IH International Harvester Scout II, Terra, Traveler

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CTS-2310 Service Manual for 1976-1977 IH Scout Models Scout II XLC, Terra, Traveler & SS2

Gas Engine Only

1208 pgs

Hi Quality Reprint

Service Manual covers the following sections:

Axles - Front
Axles - Rear
Bodies & Cabs
Brakes - Hydraulic
Brakes - Parking
Cooling System
Electrical - Including Wiring Diagrams!
Fuel System
General Information
Propeller Shaft
Steering Gear
Transfer case
Wheels, Rims and Tires
Q: We have a 77 International Scout II but don't know if it's an XLC. How can we tell?
A: It will say XLC on the side or have an add-a-leaf on the bottom of the leaf pack.