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Head Gasket Set for ALL IH International Harvester 266, 304, 345, 392 V8 Engine Code: IHENG-GASK-HD-SET-V8

Head Gasket Set for ALL IH International Harvester 266, 304, 345, 392 V8 Engine
Purchase Head Gasket Set for ALL IH International Harvester 266, 304, 345, 392 V8 Engine
  • SKU: IHENG-GASK-HD-SET-V8 Head Gasket Set for ALL IH International Harvester 266, 304, 345, 392 V8 Engine

  • $149.95

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Head Gasket Set for ALL IH International Harvester 266, 304, 345, 392, 392 w/ Improved Cooling V8 Engine

Head Gaskets
Intake Manifold Gasket
Exhaust Manifold Gasket
Valve Cover Gasket
Pushrod Cover Gasket
Thermostat Housing Gaskets
Exhaust Flange Gasket
Valve Stem Seals
Water Tube O-rings

Choose proper gasket kit when ordering.
Q: Have a 345 block, want use 392 heads. What gasket issues should I consider?
A: This is not a good idea.