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Complete Engine Overhaul Kits for IH 152, 196 or 196 I/C 4cyl Engine Code: IHENG-OH-KIT-4CYL

Complete Engine Overhaul Kits for IH 152, 196 or 196 I/C 4cyl Engine
Purchase Complete Engine Overhaul Kits for IH 152, 196 or 196 I/C 4cyl Engine
  • SKU: IHENG-OH-KIT-4CYL Complete Engine Overhaul Kits for IH 152, 196 or 196 I/C 4cyl Engine

  • $2,319.95

  • Choose Engine Size:  
    Choose Piston Type:  
    Choose Piston Size:  
    Choose Main Bearing Size:  
    Choose Rod Bearing Size:  
    Choose Camshaft:  
    Core Charge:  
    Choose Oil Pump:  
    Choose Valve Springs:  
    Choose Push Rods:  
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Complete engine overhaul kit for the IH 152, 196 or 196 I/C(Improved Cooling) 4 cylinder engine.

All overhaul kits include the following items:
- Pistons
- Rings
- Main Bearing Set
- Rod Bearings
- Cam Bearing Set
- Timing Gear Set
- Oil Pump Rebuild Kit
- Gasket Kit
- Camshaft
- Lifter Set
- Freeze Plugs

When placing your order choose engine size, main and rod bearing sizes and piston type and size.

When ordering you can upgrade the camshaft to our performance version for a small fee. All 4 cylinder camshafts have a $125 core charge which is refunded upon return of a usable/rebuildable camshaft core.

For Scout 80/800 with 152 or 196 4cyl an upgrade from an oil pump rebuild kit to a new oil pump is available for a small fee. All 196 I/C that were in Scout II's used a different oil pump so this upgrade is only available for those applications in rebuilt.

With your order if would like to add these additional parts they are available at an extra cost - Valve Springs, pushrods.

In the comments field tell us about your engine build and leave a phone number for us to contact you in case we have a question.

For those with contour type pistons availability can vary. ALL contour pistons that we have in stock are NOS - New Old Stock. Best to call us first before ordering to make sure we have the size you need.

NOTE - Rod bearings for the 4 cylinder engine are becoming increasingly hard to find. V8 rod bearings can be used in place of but they will not have the extra oiling hole drilled in them. If we do not have the exact size rod bearing you need a V8 rod bearing will be sold in place of and a refund issued as V8 rod bearings are less expensive then their 4 cylinder counterpart and can be used.