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Swepco Premium Diesel Fuel/Cetane Improver - 12oz Size Code: SWEPCO-FUELIMP-501

Swepco Premium Diesel Fuel/Cetane Improver - 12oz Size
Purchase Swepco Premium Diesel Fuel/Cetane Improver - 12oz Size
  • SKU: SWEPCO-FUELIMP-501 Swepco Premium Diesel Fuel/Cetane Improver - 12oz Size

  • $15.95

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501 Premium Diesel Fuel / Cetane Improver

A highly effective, concentrated, multi-function diesel fuel additive. Besides improving lubricity and controlling combustion deposits, it increases the cetane number of any diesel fuel. Increased cetane numbers result in improved combustion, lower emission levels and better cold weather operability. It is formulated to help prevent the formation of sludge and gum deposits and counteract the effects of today’s “reformulated” low-sulfur, low aromatic diesel fuels.

It is also designed to protect the entire fuel system from the tank to the injector pump and injectors including plungers, plastic and rubber components, O-rings, seals and lines. It increases the operating efficiency of diesel engines and minimizes maintenance downtime.

• Improves ignition quality of diesel fuel
• Improves fuel economy
• Reduces regulated exhaust emissions
• Reduces Diesel noise and vibration
• Reduces Cold Weather Misfiring
• Keeps Injectors Clean
• Prolongs life of injectors & pumps
• Easier starting
• Reduces sludge & Gum
• Improves Storage Stability
• Corrosion Resistance
• Faster fill-ups (less foaming)
• Also available in winter formula on special order

• Diesel fuel: Twelve ounces treats up to 47 gallons

• 12 oz bottle / 20 per case